Tuesday, September 2, 2014

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Ling Xiao laughed, and said: yes ah, siblings, recently ugg outlet living these days. Yao days after the incident off the mainland collapse, Zhaodan Yao Xiao Ling is no longer hated : okay, some naughty is a small recovery., The small recovery, called Ling Bobo. The little boy with a pair of Wuliu big eyes, look very smart and cute. nike free Curiously looked at Ling Xiao, a pedestrian, and finally milk and milk sound of gas toward Xiao Ling Ling Bobo cried. Ling Xiao leaned affectionately stroking Li Hui little head : Small recovery behaved, what you want to gift, then you can give some uncle nike australia.

Ling Xiao turned his head, staring fiercely horse people : the swiftlet bird out. Distressed horse person, extremely reluctantly took swiftlet bird. A saw swiftlets, Li Hui burst of bright little eyes : cheap nike shoes really, hee hee ! Thank Ling Bobo ! Li Hui took out a small rope, his hands deftly put this swiftlet feet tied up, the other side of the rope tied to his hands, and then dragging the bird four went shopping. Ling Xiao discovered, this kid is only three years old a little more, actually already has orange -level repair !

No wonder more than the previous year-old children themselves heard has been able to hold that lever Li Chong has several extremely heavy heavy guns four to play, how to listen to all how feel weird, and now look, Ling Xiao finally understand where the weird. This rate continues, simply do not use the two -year-old, Li Hui will be able to rise to the purple level, this is what kind of metamorphosis speed ah ! River City think -day genius, even in the days of the continent is still able to dazzle on the continuation of the legendary genius, hey ! Ling Xiao extremely sigh.Li Chong did not get in a word, just looked at his son away figure, while satisfied. I will carry with them a lot of good food, good eating and drinking on the night nike australia meal ! Ling Xiao mood, took a lot of food: brothers and sisters, today you rest. Aya children, incense children at night to see nike australia craft myself. Two maid Nature is doing my part to stem from the cook 's job, happily went into the kitchen. Ling Xiao turned, threw one thousand yellow spar to horse people : begone !

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