Tuesday, November 25, 2014

cV0M moflkNew balance EwsR 7me

Liu Ying smiled. Yes, this ' Black Mist Hill Road ' is how is it ? Chutian cloud suddenly asked. Liu Ying explains: This ' Black Mist Hill ' but into the ' Mist Mountain ' is a must, this ' Black Mist Hill ' seem to have a special tactical deployment, if discount ray bans use their own strength, so reaches extreme, then this person would suddenly disappear here. Moreover, people are nowhere to be found. However, for those above it can rely on our own strength to force the state to build the base to fly people, but it is possible directly from the air through.

By the way, those who disappeared here, gone children, ray ban outlet you know? Liu Ying shook his head and said : No one knows. Some speculated that it was transferred to some unknown place, it was said, was trapped in this ' FIGHTING ' among some say that following a ' space crack ', they are swallowed. Anyway, say, no one knows in the end is how is it ? No one ever came back before? What a strange place? ray ban sunglasses Exist ' poison State' itself is a strange existence!

By the way, how did you come to ray ban sunglasses ' poison State' ? ray ban sunglasses Here how long you plan to live? I do not know, maybe a year, maybe a few years now! Let you go, you do not go? Do I really want to accompany you to die in here? That black people suddenly become somewhat icy tone up. kankankan8. At this time, those distant python snakes that fishy black tongue Nobuko above, suddenly shot a ' smoky ' like poison gas, which gas as a lever in general, ' whoosh ' sound, directly toward the black clothes man shot over.

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